These Are the Israelis from the North Who’ve Been Kicked Out of Their Homes

by Phil Schneider

The humanitarian issue in the Land of Israel that Hamas has caused is enormous. Both Arabs in Gaza who are stuck under the thumbs of the barbaric thieves of Hamas and hundreds of thousands of Israelis who have been unable to live in their homes for many months, are all victims of Hamas. 

The Hamas attempt to destroy Israel at whatever cost is similar to the German attack on Western Europe and then Russia in World War II. Even if most of the Germans that participated in the attacks on France, Belgium, and England, were not as ruthless and deranged as the German leadership, they enabled all of the German barbarianism. The same is the case for many of the Arabs in Gaza. 

But the leadership of Gaza is essentially the same as the leadership in Germany during World War II. They did not merely cause the death of millions of French, Belgian, English, Russian and American soldiers. The Germans displaced tens of millions of their enemy populations too. But what is often overlooked is that the worst enemy of the German people was the German leadership. Millions of German people were killed because of the German attempt to take over Europe and much of the world. But many millions of non-combatant Germans also became refugees and had their lives ruined by the German leadership.

That is the case today with Hamas. They have destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Arabs and have also caused more than a hundred thousand Israelis to be displaced. The only solution for Arabs and Israelis is to get rid of the Hamas leadership once and for all.    

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