Daniel Perez gave his life on Oct. 7 to protect the Jewish people. This is the story of one remarkable hero whom we must always remember.
The Young Hero Who Gave His Life for the Jewish People
The story of Daniel Perez, may his memory be for a blessing, is heartbreaking and inspiring. It is remarkable that at such a young age, Daniel was able to act so heroically and give his life for his nation. He didn’t act the way he did so that he could be considered a hero. He acted bravely because he knew he had to defend his people. Daniel knew that his mission was to protect Israel with all that he had.
Some people might run away from danger. And that is understandable. But there are those great heroes who have the courage to run toward it knowing that they might pay with their lives. And when it comes to defending the Jewish people, Daniel felt a duty and a privilege to be part of that calling. He didn’t choose to be there on Oct. 7. But he chose to act the way he did despite knowing the consequences.
It is unbelievably inspiring what the younger generation did on that horrific day. They rose to the call. Young heroes jumped to save people without thinking twice. And now, while Israel fights wars on multiple fronts to defend itself, these young heroes have continued to go out and defend the Jewish people. We hope that G-d helps us win without more heroes needing to give their lives.