The New Zealander woman who brought the Nazis to their knees

by Leah Rosenberg

Nancy Wake was one of the greatest heroes during WWII. You may have heard of her, or you have not. But what you’re about to learn about her is amazing!

Nancy Wake’s Heroism

It is hard to find heroes like Nancy Wake. What she did during WWII is beyond words. Her bravery and courage cannot be compared. And the fact that she was a woman just adds to her extraordinary acts. Hearing about how fearless she was will just leave you in awe.

There were many heroes of the Holocaust, and they all had unique purposes. They all should be recognized and appreciated by the whole world. Each for his own courage.

Taking Action

Everyone can learn a lot from Nancy Wake. But there is an important take away message. When we see something, we should not just think, but we should act. If we are passionate, we should allow that passion to bring us to do something and make a change. Nancy decided she was going to do what she did when she saw Nazis beating Jews on the streets of Vienna. How many others saw the exact same thing and did not do anything about it? How many were bystanders to the horrors of the Holocaust and sat back and did nothing? Too, too many.

We do not have to be exactly like Nancy Wake to be a hero. It can be with “smaller” things. But what we have to do is take action and not just sit back and watch when things happen.

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