Stop Calling Trump a Fascist and an Antisemite!

by Avi Abelow

I seriously want to hear real examples of policies or actions on how President Trump is a fascist or an antisemite. It makes no sense to me how people can make such crazy claims. So, prove to me that they are not crazy claims. I seriously want to hear examples of policies or actions that lead people to make these claims.

I don’t want to hear “dog whistles”, because I can look up each one and clarify how the media misreported what he said, and, regardless, it does not reflect upon any policy or action of how he is “turning” America into a fascist/antisemitic country. I also don’t want to hear “x supports him” because that is an irrelevant point and has no reflection upon his actions as well.

I’m looking to understand what policies or actions I’m not aware of that are leading people to call him a fascist, Hitler or antisemite.

I have received tons of hate mail and messages from Israel supporters, not crazy antisemites, but from people who support Israel, calling me a nazi lover and worse for supporting President Trump. Truly horrifying comments.

When I have time, I respond asking them to please give me an example of a policy or action that proves their point. And I get none.

Actually, I’m always told two policies that prove nothing:

1. The “Muslim” ban.

2. The kids locked up in cages on the Southern border.

Regarding the first – it was NOT a Muslim ban, it was an anti-terrorist ban that only affected 7 countries. Muslims from all over the world, including from over a dozen other Muslim countries in the Middle East were not affected by the ban. And besides the fact, that policy bears no reflection upon fascism or antisemitism. So it is basically a policy disagreement weaponized to label Trump a horrible person. If you think this proves he is a fascist, antisemitic Hitler please explain to me why? Not why you disagree with the policy. That’s irrelevant to this conversation. Rather, stick to giving me proof of how this proves he is a fascist, antisemitic Hitler.

Regarding the second, this was a policy started by the Obama/Biden administration, and it is a very sad situation connected to illegal migrants and illegal smuggling of children into the USA. A real horrible situation with no easy solutions. But it bears no reflection on Trump turning America into a fascist country or being an antisemite. Again, another policy disagreement weaponized against President Trump. Like above, if you think this proves he is a fascist, antisemitic Hitler then please explain to me why? Not why you disagree with the policy. That’s irrelevant to this conversation. Rather, stick to giving me proof of how this proves he is a fascist, antisemitic Hitler.

So, please, I’m still waiting to hear what policies he has done that makes him a fascist, Hitler, antisemite etc. I’m seriously interested in hearing what policies or actions people are pointing to make these horrible claims because it makes absolutely no sense to me. I understand that people dislike him, but those claims are horrific, with no actual policies to back them up, yet people continue to make them. So, please, give me actual policies and actions that will challenge me to change my mind. Because I’m honestly shocked at how so many people can say such things with no policies or actions to back up such claims.

In the meantime, here are just a snippet of the horrendous comments people, who are Israel supporters, have sent me:

– Trump is using the Hitler playbook. Shame on you.

– Trump is definitely Hitler reincarnated.

– He is more dangerous than Hitler ever was and they did not have a Biden to stop him.

– You people are like the brownshirts Hitler had and it has cost us 20 million people. Enough is enough.

This is only a snippet of what I have received.

How in the world can people actually think this without any proof? I’m utterly baffled.

One can vehemently disagree with his policies, and hate his personality, but seriously, to liken him to Hitler?

And please don’t start bringing up his dealing with the covid-19 situation. That is a totally separate topic and has nothing to do with people calling him a fascist, Hitler and antisemite.

Let’s stick to the topic, I believe the claims that he is a fascist, Hitler, antisemite are crazy wrong and have no place in any conversation. What policies or actions do you know of that give legitimacy to those extremely serious damaging claims?

In the meantime, here is a video I made with my two cents on this very disturbing issue:

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