Shocking Proof the Media is Covering for Gazan Terrorists

by Phil Schneider

One of the many ways of lying about Israel’s War in Gaza against Hamas is to paint Israel as a colonialist government that indiscriminately kills innocent civilians, especially children. Here and there, a grain of truth gets in to the lies. But more than 99% of the accusations are lies or gross exaggerations. Moreover, the mass media decision to ignore the Nazi-like atrocities of the Arabs against Israel – especially against innocent Israeli civilians – is the #1 travesty of the mass media against Israel. 

One of the best lines of Bill Maher recently was, “How do you suck all of the oxygen out of the room and still not get any to your brain?” What has become normal reporting has become accusing Israel of intentionally trying to kill Arabs. Really? Is Israel really just fighting a war of vengeance? Is there anyone who thinks that Israel is not fighting in order to save Jews from radical Arabs who want to massacre them?

The answer is regretfully – yes. the power of so much of the mass media is able to throw so many lies, so often, that many people genuinely believe that Israel represents evil and the Arabs who massacre them represent good. This is all due to the absurd notion that the weak are always the oppressed, to no fault of their own. The rich are always assumed to be guilty of theft and terrible deeds. So, therefore, Israel’s success is portrayed as something to look down on. 

The sanity of the world has become a rare commodity, and this is where Israel must devote more and more effort, namely, to combat the insanity. A little light can push away a lot of darkness. But there is so much darkness, and it deepens from day to day. Therefore, a continuous effort must be made to hit back at all of those who bash Israel day-in and day-out in the mass media. The lies must be exposed.      

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