Russia Is In This War To Win

by David Mark

Many people are viewing the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine through the lens of the Western dominated media outlets they have grown up believing. These outlets are painting a David vs. Goliath picture – but the world is way more complex.

Russia may have the upper hand against Ukraine, but that doesn’t mean that Russia’s dominance in the region is a foregone conclusion. The fact is, Russia needs strategic depth buttressing its western border lands. Without this, Russia will have to invest even more money into its security.

This is why Russia will not stop with the Eastern part of Ukraine. Putin knows he needs his army all the way up to the Carpathian mountains in order to provide maximum security to prevent any NATO push Eastward.

While Russia was stalled from going into Kiev, it is regrouping to take the entire Donbass and from there it will prepare to take the entire country and beyond. With nothing stopping it, Russia will able to hold off NATO and add strategic depth to the Russian Federation.

We have already seen this from Putin. First Crimea and then the Eastern part of Ukraine. What’s next? After the Donbass – Russia will pause, lick its wounds and then move forward.

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