President Trump Checkmates PA President Abbas Who then Curses Trump “Son of a B***tch”

by Avi Abelow

We are witnessing history live-streamed in epic proportions. The question is, who is noticing?

For the first time ever, a US President will be presenting a potential “peace” deal for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and will be punishing the Arab Muslim leader for saying no!

After 100 years of two-state solutions that the Jews always said yes, and the Arabs always said no, finally we have a leader who is willing to make a deal based on facts and reality and punish the ones that always say no.

Thank you President Trump!

Trump is the first world leader to use facts and reality to push forward a peace deal. Jerusalem has been the capital city of the Jewish people for over 3,000 years, so of course the US Embassy should be there. The Golan Heights were liberated by Israel in a defensive war, and today Syria does not even represent a state that peace can be made with, so of course Israeli sovereignty should be recognized. Judea & Samaria is the biblical homeland of the Jewish people, and international law based on the San Remo Conference (1920) and League of Nations (1922) recognize the Jewish people’s rights to this land, so of course it is legal for Jews to build in Judea & Samaria.

On top of all of that, President Trump also knows that the fake nation called Palestinians, only invented as a people with that name in the 1960s, is not interested in a state, but rather in destroying Israel. That’s why they have always said no to every two state solution every presented to them. But President Trump is giving them this last chance. And Abbas has already blown it.

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