Obama shamelessly used John Lewis’s funeral to bash President Trump

by Leah Rosenberg

We all know Barak Obama does not like President Trump. But to use the funeral of John Lewis to throw punches at the President is just wrong.

Obama’s Hate of President Trump

It is painful to listen to this speech that Obama gave at John Lewis’s funeral. A funeral is not the time to throw political punches at President Trump. It is not the time to push an agenda when someone has just passed from the world.

If the situation was flipped and it was a Republican who did this to a Democrat, it would be front page news. It would infuriate Americans. But Obama can do no wrong. Whatever he says, people believe. Whenever he speaks, people cheer and clap.

But when something is wrong, those who care about values and morals should call it out. Politics should be put aside. But sadly, it seems like politics are always at the forefront. After all, politics made its way to a funeral.


Obama kept mentioning the idea of democracy and inclusiveness. How ironic is it, though, that what many in his party are doing is the opposite of democracy? Many in his party are stomping on democracy. They are encouraging the breakdown of America and of freedoms. And they are most definitely not inclusive. The hypocrisy is absurd. It is actually frightening.

But again, why is he talking about this at a funeral? Why is he using a eulogy as an opportunity to push his political agenda?

People are allowed to disagree. Politicians are allowed to have differing opinions. But there is a way to do it. There is a way to say it. And there is a time and place to share it. This was not the way to do it. Obama did not say it the way he should have. And a funeral is not the time or place to share it.

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