This isn’t the first time that Nancy Pelosi has done something so clueless. These things seem to happen just a little too often. And someone is speaking up.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats
Wake up America! Obianuju Ekeocha is talking to YOU! She is talking to those of you who stand with Nancy Pelosi. She is talking to those of you who don’t see the truth.
Ekeocha is offended by what the Democrats have done and are doing. Will you listen to her voice? She thought it was an important enough issue to make a video about it. The Democrats claim they are trying to fight racism and that they are against it, but then they go ahead and do something totally racist. Do you see the problem? Can you see any of the problems that are happening in America right now?
What the Media Won’t Show You
So many Black people are speaking out against the Democrats and what they are doing to destroy America. The Democrats are creating a narrative that America is a racist country. Why aren’t the Blacks who are AGAINST the Democrats making the headlines? Why won’t CNN and MSNBC show those opinions?
Because it goes against the political agenda of these news stations. They will never show you voices like Obianuju Ekeocha or Candace Owens. CNN is not broadcasting the Black women who are against Black Lives Matter.
The truth is being hidden. And it is so terrifying that Americans are falling for it. Black Americans as well as White Americans are being stripped of the chance to see the truth. What a shame.