People can deny it all they want but there is massive evidence of fraud and irregularities in the 2020 elections. And as I have said countless of times, regardless of who you support, everyone who cares about election integrity should be calling for investigations.
Why are officials forbidding forensic checks of voting machines? Why are they forbidding, via court order, the publication of results of forensic checks? It makes no sense. If there is nothing to hide, then why are those who say that there “was no fraud” actively taking steps to stop and hide investigations and their results?
People love commenting on how the courts have thrown out all the cases so therefore there was no fraud or irregularities. That comment is partly true but partly not true.
True, virtually all the cases were thrown out by the courts, even as there are still plenty of cases in the system. However, it has no impact on the validity of the evidence, because the cases were mostly all thrown out based on “standing” or for other procedural reasons. Virtually none of the evidence was ever examined and given its time of day in the courts.
Hence, it is wrong to say that the state of the court cases proves that no voter fraud or irregularities took place.
Regarding the state of the court cases, a former Wisconsin Judge actually explains the situation with the court system, and it is not pretty:…/former-wisconsin-judge…
The question is not “was there fraud and irregularities” that can possibly change the election results? The question is “will Trump be able to do what is necessary to prove that the fraud and irregularities that took place changed the election results, before the Presidential inauguration date on January 20th”?
Again, those of us voicing these very rational opinions are not the ones “destroying American democracy”. Those who flatly deny that any fraud or irregularities took place in the election and instead delegitimize all dissenting opinions and are against properly investigating the allegations to ensure election integrity are the ones destroying American democracy.