Kamala Harris’s Marxist Comment Should Disturb Every American

by Phil Schneider

Kamala Harris does not seem to have many core beliefs. But one of them is clear and it is very problematic. Kamala Harris believes in equality of outcome. This is a preposterous idea that actually is not just wrong – it is fundamentally at odds with the world that we live in.

It sounds so fair and equitable to say that all people have the same capacity and therefore should all be able to reach the same outcome in their lives. But this is indeed a socialist or Marxist way of viewing things. Any supposition of the need for equality of outcome means a strong central force that will dominate and redistribute money and resources according to the beliefs of the the central government.

Like all things that are wrong yet popular, there is a kernel of truth in this idea. The central government should indeed have agencies like the Social Security Agency and OSHA that make sure the weak, old, and infirm are protected. Even unions, who are often maligned for their tactics and strong-arm tactics, are also more of a blessing than a curse. Before there were unions, workers were treated horribly in factories. A federal agency that makes sure that basic rights of the simple people are protected from the powerful is a good thing. But beyond that, the more that the government gets involved in the lives of people, the worse it is.

All attempts at massively raising taxes end up doing the same thing each time. The middle class ends up paying the bill. The upper class finds loopholes around the tax structure or even moves states in order to get away from federal overreach. But the middle class always gets hit in order to award the non-working class.

In truth, if one truly cares about equality of opportunity and not equality of outcome, the key is to lower taxes and bureaucracy. This is an idea that progressives and Democrats too often miss out on. Kamala is totally wrong on this issue like so many other issues, and she is one or two stumbles away from the Oval Office.

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