Israel has decided that the old axiom that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” still rings true in 2023.
When it comes to Ukraine, nothing has been straight forward for Israel. Both the previous government and this one have tried to remain neutral when the entire west had thrown in for Ukraine. This was due to the sensitive security situation on the the Syrian border as well as Iran.
Israel has needed Russian approval or acquiescence in order to freely bomb targets there. This calculus forced the Jewish State to remain neutral.
However, with Russia squarely teaming up with Iran, things are changing.
The Israeli government is looking at ways it can more directly help Ukraine against Russia. This is despite Russian warnings that if Israel joins Ukraine against Moscow – things will change. Israel appears to have decided that Russia’s alliance with Iran and its usage of its drones makes it hard for the Jewish State to remain neutral.
Unfortunately this decision now puts Israel in Russia’s way and we know what happens when this occurs.