21 Iranian & Syrian Soldiers Killed as Israel Attacks Military Installations in Syria

by Avi Abelow

Israel has repeatedly told the world that it will not tolerate any Iranian presence in Syria. In response to Iranian rocket launches from Syrian soil, the past few days Israel launched a number of attacks destroying Syrian and Iranian targets and killing 21 Iranian and Syrian soldiers. In the following videos you can see some of the Israeli attacks. The first video is an attack on the SAM rocket launchers.

Stopping Iranian Agression

Israel attacked Iranian military targets belonging to their elite unit ‘Quds Force’ in Syria. They targeted weapons storage sites, primarily one major site at Damascus International Airport as well as an Iranian intelligence site and an Iranian training camp.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based group opposed to the Assad regime, reported that “there are 15 foreigners among the dead, including 12 from the Iranian forces,” SOHR chief Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP. “Six Syrians from the regime were also killed.”

This includes 12 Iranian soldiers from the Revolutionary Guards, 6 Syrian soldiers, and three other non-Syrian nationals.

Iranian Quds Elite Force

Al-Quds is the Arabic word for Jerusalem. Why would Iran have a military unit named Jerusalem???

Even more damning, is that Al-Quds is really short for the Arabic phrase ‘Bet El Maqdesh’, which means the House of the Temple, referring to the Jewish Temple that stood in Jerusalem.

So Iran, which claims that the Jews have no right to Israel or Jerusalem and must be destroyed, has an elite military unit named after the Jewish Temple that once stood in Jerusalem.

IDF Statement on the Attack

IDF Spokesman Ronen Manelis said that “the sites attacked were Quds Force infrastructures, the weapons storage center at Damascus International Airport. We attacked it extensively and it generated a lot of secondary explosions and fire. We warned the Syrians not to fire antiaircraft missiles at us, but in practice dozens of surface-to-air missiles were fired.”

“Our attack was carried out in three waves of warplanes, based on information collected by Military Intelligence,” Manelis said. “The Syrian regime allows the Iranians to use a civilian international airport, some of the Iranian targets that were attacked were inside Syrian military camps. The Syrians who fired anti-aircraft missiles paid a heavy price.”

“Iran is exploiting Syria, and Syria is paying a heavy price,” Manelis said.

PM Netanyahu’s Statement

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned Iran Monday that Israel would continue to strike at Revolutionary Guards positions in Syria, and that the IDF was prepared to retaliate for any Iranian escalations.

“We are acting against Iran and against the Syrian forces that abet the Iranian aggression. Whoever tries to hurt us – we hurt them. Whoever threatens to destroy us will bear the full responsibility.”

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