“I’m Angry that I believed in Coexistence”

by Avi Abelow

Posted on facebook by a friend:

I’m angry!!!
I am angry that I believed in coexistence;
I am angry that I believed in the idea of ​​two states for two peoples;
I’m angry that I thought that there are also people on the other side who want to live in peace and raise mentally healthy children;
I am angry with whoever allowed the music festival to take place where it took place;
I am angry at those who saw the pieces of the puzzle but not the whole picture;
I am angry that my colleague will no longer experience great love;
that I will not stand by her side on the day of her wedding;
I am angry about dreams that have been cut short;
I’m so angry!!!

I worried about her,
I was worried when she hiked in Central America on volcanoes;
I was worried when she traveled in South America in the favelas;
When she distributed her money to the needy;
I was worried when she drove to Tel Aviv;
I made sure she didn’t fall when she was riding horses;
I was worried when she dived with sharks;
I was worried when she developed an allergy to mosquito bites;
On Saturday morning I called her because I wanted to make sure she had a security structure near by to run into if rockets were shot (who even thought it could be something else…);

My colleague Lahav celebrated her 23rd birthday two weeks before the cursed Shabbat, this week she was supposed to start studying computer science, she was so excited. She was always full of purpose, optimistic, smiling, comforting, rolling laughter, beautiful on the outside but more beautiful on the inside.
You will forever remain 23 years old😭
May Hashem avenge her blood.

Michal Karten Lahav

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