If you forgot what happened to all of Israel’s enemies, this video will help you remember

by Leah Rosenberg

What happened to Israel’s enemies? Drowned at sea? Destroyed in war? They are all part of ancient history. And Israel? Well, Israel is a thriving nation.

Israel’s Enemies are No More

Pharaoh and the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, Assyrians, Turks, Nazis, and so many more – all oppressed and killed thousands and tens of thousands of Jews. Even millions. But where are they now?

They are all in the history books. They were known to be some of the strongest, yet they are no more.

And the State of Israel is alive and well. Not only surviving but thriving.

The Iranians are working hard to become the next in line – a country who tries to oppress and destroy the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. Have they not learned from the past?

They are heading into the garbage can of history too.

This is not just prophecy of the future, it is a simple lesson from history that has been shown to be a predictable fact – time and time again.

The G-d of Israel will not let the Jewish people disappear. It is time Israel’s enemies realized that and started caring for their own people instead of dedicated their time and money to destroying others.

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