What is the secret to the IDF’s success? Israel is a small country. But its army is magnifcent. Find out why.
The IDF’s Success is Because of G-d
It is truly inspiring watching a video like this one. What does the IDF do before going into battle? The holy soldiers pray. They turn to the one and only G-d. The IDF’s success is because they are walking into battle with G-d by their side. Our soldiers know that they can only be successful with the help of the One Above. What an amazing thing. This is not to be taken for granted!
The IDF soldiers connected with our past and our forefathers by blowing the shofar before entering battle. How beautiful it is that the long chain of Jewish history and all of its laws and customs have not been broken! How beautiful that the Jewish people are still walking with G-d and following His Torah.
We have tragically witnessed the most brutal suffering as a people. Yet we have also witnessed the most remarkable miracles known to mankind. Let us pray that G-d continues to protect His people and that the nation of Israel continues to turn to G-d for everything.