IDF Soldier Shares Unapologetic Message That the World Wants Censored

by Leah Rosenberg

This is exactly it. The truth. And this IDF soldier said it very honestly and very well. The world can’t seem to handle the truth though.

Important Message from IDF Soldier

This video from an IDF soldier is so bold and so important. It is a message that the world refuses to admit. No matter how many times the truth is said, the world does not want to hear it. Why? Because it goes against the false narrative of everything the world wants to believe. It means the Jewish people and the state of Israel are right. Sadly, many cannot handle that.

Let’s be honest. The polls have shown the truth. The soldiers have seen it with their own eyes. And the rescued and released hostages have told us all as well. Gaza is a complete terror enclave. The Muslims in Gaza have chosen Hamas. They are not innocent. Israel left Gaza in 2005, and the so-called “Palestinians” turned the beautiful area into a center for terrorism. They destroyed the good. They don’t have the same values that the Western world has. And instead of the world admitting that, everyone, sadly including the current US administration, tries to paint a picture of a people who want peace with Jews and just need the opportunities. But we have seen time and time again, that is not true at all.

Israel’s leaders also need to listen to this IDF soldier. The only solution is for Israel to remain in control of Gaza and establish it as a beautiful place with Jewish communities once again.

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