The Shocking Truth About the 1972 Munich Massacre 

by Phil Schneider

The massacre of Israeli olympians in Munich, Germany was watched by millions of people all over the world – as it unfolded. To say that it was a bungled rescue operation is an understatement. It could be argued that there was a conspiracy to make a minimal effort to rescue the Israelis in order to put on a display of effort, but not beyond that.

What was perhaps the most disturbing of all was the decision to not stop the Olympics at all. In a callous display of absolute disregard for the life of the Israeli athletes, the show went on – minutes away from the tragedy that was unfolding in front of millions of spectators. 

The Israeli response to the terrible tragedy was similarly tragic in that Israel mistakenly killed the wrong person in one of the revenge attacks. Many aspects of the story are still, to this day, debated by historians. But anyway in which it is viewed, it was one of the most tragic events in the history of sports.  This video sheds light on the unfortunate episode. 

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