Former IDF soldier shares the truth about peace in the Middle East

by Leah Rosenberg

A former IDF soldier shares the truth about peace in the Middle East. Is it really Israel’s fault that there isn’t peace yet?

Mahmoud Abbas and Peace

The leader of the “Palestinian” Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, does NOT want peace. He incites violence and praises and rewards his people for murdering Israelis. With a leader like that, peace cannot be possible. He has no plans to change his ways.

The “Palestinians” educate with violence and hate. They are teaching the next generation to loathe peace. How can Israel possibly make peace with a people like that?

Israel, on the other hand, teaches peace and love to its children. Despite the terror and fear that Israelis feel because of the violence, they still educate their children with messages of peace.

Do you see the difference between the Israelis and the “Palestinians”? It’s quite obvious.

The View from a Former IDF Soldier

This former IDF soldier shares his personal view. He has seen the situation firsthand and understands. He saw the violence carried out against Israelis. Sadly, it was sometimes by children – children who should have been playing or in school.

But he discusses the coexistence that he also saw. He saw the possibility of peace when Arabs decided to choose love instead of hate; peace instead of violence. The IDF soldier saw moments of potential – moments that truly show what peace could be like and feel like.

Peace in the Middle East

So is peace in the Middle East possible? Yes. But hatred needs to be eliminated from “Palestinian” textbooks. The violence needs to stop. The next generation needs to be taught to love.

It’s that simple.


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