How the Talmud Helped This Jewish Industrialist Become a National Hero

by Leah Rosenberg

Aaron Feuerstein was a Jewish industrialist. But really, he was so much more. If you want to learn about morals, hear Mr. Feuerstein’s story.

The Jewish Industrialist Who Became a National Hero

This is more than a feel-good story. This is the story of one man who bettered the world because of his existence; because of his morals. Because he had Jewish values that he learned from his daily study of the Talmud. The Jewish industrialist Aaron Feuerstein literally changed the lives of so many.

He may have been wealthy, but he was far from arrogant. He may have been “the boss,” but he was far from bossy. He cared. He valued his workers. Sadly, Mr. Feuerstein recently passed away. But his legacy remains because of the lives he changed.

Can you imagine if every company owner was as generous as Aaron Feuerstein? If every boss, CEO and employer tried to “do the right thing” like he did? The world would most definitely be a different place. He may have been just one person running one company, but he managed to become a national hero because of his very being.

In memory of Mr. Aaron Feuerstein, let’s all try a little harder to be a little more giving, a little more understanding, and a little more caring toward the people around us. It might just make all the difference in the world. No, you may not become a national hero like Feuerstein, but you will still change the worlds of those around you.

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