Jerusalem Hospital Refuses Surgery To Unvaccinated Woman

by David Mark

Chava Sherman checked into Hadassah hospital for surgery and was refused service due to her PCR test being 30 minutes away from expiration. The nurse in charge made the final decision even though the surgeons were ready to perform the surgery.

The nurse made her take another PCR test that came back positive. She was not only denied the surgery, but sent to an isolated room without drinking water or an ability to contact emergency help for 12 hours. This is all for a asymptomatic case, which now according to almost all experts has almost no chance of spreading the virus.

Yudi Sherman, Chava’s husband, said: “The last thing you want to see on your doctor’s face when you turn to him for help is confusion and uncertainty. The doctors and nurses seem lost, and can’t keep up with the arbitrary COVID rules that change daily by management.”

He concluded: “As with many once-respected institutions, public confidence in the medical establishment is plummeting as they get captured in the web of Covidmania.”

While cases like the Sherman’s are happening in various degrees across Israel, the Jewish State is seeing an exponential increase in Covid positive test results, especially among the injected, making the restrictions and quarantines nearly futile. This has reached such a level that the Health ministry is openly thinking about doing away with the Green Pass altogether.

With “Omicron” appearing more and more like a common cold and more or less like a media creation, the hype behind it is pushing the Israeli public to begin to seriously question what is really driving the decisions of its government.

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