Eurovision Israel – here we come! Take a look at this fun and creative way to welcome you to the land of milk and honey.
eEurovision Israel
The Eurovision song contest is a platform for people throughout the world to compete and show their talent. This year, it is being held in Tel Aviv, Israel. And of course, Israel-haters are trying to boycott that. What are they trying to stop? Unity? Peace? Entertainment? Israel boycotters clearly do not care about creating peace – they just want to disrupt, destroy, and ruin anything that gives Israel a good name.
This entertaining musical is a fun way to show the world a side of Israel that they won’t see in the media.
The Eurovision Musical
This musical is entertaining and is trying to show the world that Israel is just a regular country. It is not a country of “war and occupation.” On the contrary, it is a peaceful country. People of all different cultures walk side by side in the streets. It is a land of milk and honey, as the Bible says. Israel is a beautiful place. A place where the sun shines for most of the year. A place where people are free to protest and hold rallies without being arrested. Israel is a democracy, a startup nation, and the perfect place to host the Eurovision Song Contest. Even from the first bit of the musical, you can see how Israel does not discriminate – a Russian and an Arab are the ones singing the song! Is that what Israel-haters are trying to boycott? That Israel is an accepting country?
And of course, you can’t forget – Israel has the BEST shawarma!