Hamas Terrorists Launch Non-Stop Barrage of Balloon Bombs into Israel

by Avi Abelow

Hamas terrorists launched a non-stop barrage of explosive balloons into Israel. This is a serious bomb business, just watch how they prepare the bombs to then launch and attack Israel. Thankfully, no Israelis were injured today. Yet, the United Nations wants to prosecute Israel for war crimes trying to defend against this constant terror from Gaza?

Ballon Bombs

Hamas terrorists continued with their terror onslaught today with an influx of balloon bombs into Israel to murder Jews.

One of the balloons exploded over a kibbutz in the Eshkol Regional Council. Miraculously, there were no casualties and no damage was done.

It seems that the recent attacks by the Israeli Air Force in the Gaza Strip have not deterred the Hamas terrorists, who are not only continuing their terrorism but also increasing the pace.

Shooting on Gaza Border

Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Binyamin Netanyahu toured the area of ​​the Israeli-Egyptian border today, heard reports from the commanders of the area and assessed the security situation in the Gaza Division. Just before the prime minister left the area, terrorists fired and damaged the IDF’s position, as was first reported on the news.

Prime Minister Netanyahu at the observation post on the Israel-Egypt border fence: “I am coming now from an update of the commanders in the field, here in the sector on the Sinai border. This fence is a phenomenal success. It completely stopped the infiltration of hundreds of thousands from Africa and the entry into Israel of terrorists from Sinai.

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