Farrakhan turns a blind eye on the prominent role Muslims played in slave trade

by Ezequiel Doiny

On November 15, 2022 JNS reported “Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan addressed the recent antisemitism allegations leveled against NBA star Kyrie Irving and the antisemitic comments of rapper Kanye West in a speech live-streamed on “The Collective 9” YouTube channel on Nov. 10, saying that the Anti-Defamation League should investigate the “horror” that their parents have inflicted on blacks in America and around the world.  According to the report and video posted by MEMRI, Farrakhan also stated that Jews consider 1,000 black lives to be worth less than one Jew’s fingernail. In addition, he claimed that Jews have never apologized to African Americans for the transatlantic slave trade or for the murder, rape, castration and enslavement of blacks.  Farrakhan said, “I’m saying to the ADL: …Don’t talk to Kyrie by himself: ‘he can go and look at the horror of the Holocaust.’ Why don’t you come and look at the horror of what your parents have done to Black people in America and throughout the world. Why don’t you come and study and repent of your evil to us.”

Farrakhan turns a blind eye on the proeminent role Muslims played in slave trade (including the slavery of Jews).

On March 27, 2018 the New African Magazine reported “The 25th March was,  as usual,  commemorated as  the day  Britain officially abolished its Slave Trade in 1807. But how many recall that Arab slavers were the first, and last, in modern times to ship millions of Africans out of the continent as slaves?”

The BBC reports “Muhammad…himself bought, sold, captured, and owned slaves”

Arab slavers not only enslaved Africans, they also enslaved other non Muslims including Jews. Islamic sources describe how Mohammed massacred and enslaved the Jews in Khaybar. Bernard Lewis writes:

“The city of Medina, some 280 miles north of Mecca, had originally been settled by Jewish tribes from the north, especially the Banu Nadir and Banu Quraiza. The comparative richness of the town attracted an infiltration of pagan Arabs who came at first as clients of the Jews and ultimately succeeded in dominating them. Medina, or, as it was known before Islam, Yathrib, had no form of stable government at all. The town was tom by the feuds of the rival Arab tribes of Aus and Khazraj, with the Jews maintaining an uneasy balance of power. The latter, engaged mainly in agriculture and handicrafts, were economically and culturally superior to the Arabs, and were consequently disliked…. as soon as the Arabs had attained unity through the agency of Muhammad they attacked and ultimately eliminated the Jews.”2…

The Prophet Muhammad’s pronouncement: “Two religions may not dwell together on the Arabian Peninsula.”13 This edict was carried out by Abu Bakr and Omar 1, the Prophet Muhammad’s successors; the entire community of Jewish settlements throughout northern Arabia was systematically slaughtered. 

According to Bernard Lewis, “the extermination of the Jewish tribe of Quraiza was followed by “an attack on the Jewish oasis of Khaibar.”14

Messengers of Muhammad were sent to the Jews who had escaped to the safety and comfort of Khaibar, “inviting” Usayr, the Jewish “war chief,” to visit Medina for mediations.

“Usayr set off with thirty companions and a Muslim escort. Suspecting no foul play, the Jews went unarmed. On the way, the Muslims turned upon the defenseless delegation, killing all but one who managed to escape. “War is deception,” 15 according to an oft-quoted saying of the Prophet.”16

The late Israeli historian and former President, Itzhak Ben-Zvi, judged the “inhuman atrocities” of the Arabian communities as unparalleled since then:

“… the complete extermination of the two Arabian-Jewish tribes, the Nadhir and Kainuka’ by the mass massacre of their men, women and children, was a tragedy for which no parallel can be found in Jewish history until our own day ….” 17


Here are some more details about Khaybar “…Muhammad’s war against the Jews of Khaybar (628) was very harsh. At first he sent disguised guests to the homes of the leaders of Banū Naḍīr who then killed their hosts…Muhammad treated the Jews of Khaybar with cruelty, murdering Ḥuyayy ibn Akhṭab, head of Banū Naḍīr, in Medina. He ordered the son of the leader and the husband of his daughter Ṣafiyya killed in Khaybar. He married Ṣafiyya, who herself was taken captive…”

Today Muslims continue celebrating Muhammad’s massacre of Jews in Khaybar. In an article published in November 2013, the Jerusalem Post reported about an Arab TV show glorifying Muhammad’s massacre of Jews at Khaybar “Arab TV satellite channels are airing a series this year called Khaybar, referring to the Muslim massacre of the Jews of the town of that name in northwestern Arabia in 628 CE.

After the attack, some Muslims, including Muhammad, took surviving women as wives.

The Muslim conquerors charged the Jews a 50 percent tax on their crops and in 637, after Muhammad’s death, the Caliph Omar expelled the remaining Jews from Khaybar.

In Islamic tradition, the chant “Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa yahud,” which means, “Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning,” is used as a battle cry when attacking Jews or Israelis.

It was, for example, chanted on the Mavi Marmara Gaza flotilla ship in May 2010.

…The show is set to air on channels such as Dubai TV, Dream TV (Egypt), Al-Iraqiyya TV, Algerian Channel 3, Atlas TV (Algeria), Qatar TV and UAE TV, according to the MEMRI report….”


Palestinian leader Arafat proudly took Khaybar as an example of how to deal with the Jews.  Arafat said in a Mosque in South Africa shortly after signing Oslo “I see this agreement as being no more than the agreement signed between our Prophet Muhammad and the Quraysh in Mecca….the prophet had been right to insist on the agreement, for it helped him defeat the Quraysh and take over their city of Mecca. In a similar spirit,we now accept the peace agreement, but [only in order] to continue on the road to Jerusalem.” 

(source Daniel Pipes, Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad’s Diplomacy,Middle East Quarterly ,September 1999) 

After the massacre of Khaybar surviving Jews were expelled and settled in Jericho (another argument against those who call Jews in Judea and Samaria illegal western colonists) “After captives of war and slaves from other countries were brought to Khaybar and the people of Hejaz became

more accustomed to agriculture, the caliph *Omar decided to expel the Jews of Khaybar in 642 under the pretense that before his death Muhammad had commanded that two religions could not exist simultaneously in the Hejaz….Some of the Jews of Khaybar settled in Wadi al-Qurā and *Tayma, but most of them settled in *Jericho. Among those exiled to Jericho was the son of the chief warrior of Khaybar, Ḥārith, who was the father of Zaynab, the woman credited with the attempt to poison Muhammad in revenge for the slaughter of her people. The Jews of Khaybar apparently spread out from Jericho along the Jordan Valley, reaching the Sānūr Valley in northern Samaria. This is indicated by the names Tell-Khaybar and Khirbat-Khaybar in that valley and an ancient Arab tradition about a Jewish king and princess who lived in these places. An Arabic source published by I. *Goldziher (REJ, 28 (1894), 83) quotes an Arabic account in which the Muslims express their astonishment that the Jewish women of Khaybar put on their most beautiful jewelry on the Day of Atonement…”

Muslims today are proud of Muhammad’s massacre of Jews at Khaybar “Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning,” they sing. Islam teaches that Muslims are allowed to sign treaties when they are in a position of weakness but should break them when the time is ripe. Mohammed himself gave the example. As Sher Khan in Islam Watch, Mohammed…made many treaties when he was weak but conveniently broke them, …when the time was ripe.”


The Palestinians are following Mohammad’s example, they signed the Oslo accord in 1993 with the intention of breaking it when the time is ripe. Abbas is breaking the Oslo accord now and blaming Israel, exactly as Mohammed did in Quraish.

Another example of Jews enslaved by Muslims was in Kurdistan. “Bernard Lewis discusses three inferior groups in Islam, slaves, women and unbelievers, citing the three essential inequalities related to the dominant and inferior groups: master and slave, man and woman, believer and unbeliever. The Jews in Kurdistan have been inferior in the social and religious ranks. Theoretically, they could be two of the essential inequalities discussed by Lewis: they were non-tribal subject protégés of the tribal Kurdish aghas and they were ‘unbelievers,’ in the eyes of the Muslim society. Indeed, in earlier periods some of the rural Jews were slaves, according to the tribal Kurdish concept of the word, as discussed in details above.”


(The Bernard Lewis PDF is attached here) 

Slavery continues today. Brandeis University reported in their website “The issue of slavery in Muslim societies is not purely historical but has lingering contemporary effects, especially in certain parts of Africa and the Gulf states. Some majority Muslim nations – Saudi Arabia, for example – were among the last to outlaw slavery in the twentieth century. Vestigial effects of domestic slavery still exist in certain Gulf nations in the failure of police and lawmakers to protect immigrant household workers against potential abuses by employers. Women employed as maids and nannies have little recourse against sexual coercion or harsh beatings; in some cases, those who have escaped and sought refuge with police have been forcibly returned to their employers. It is important to note that these women are not legally enslaved, and they generally receive compensation for their work that differentiates their situation from that of those in debt bondage. However, because of the acceptance of controls on their mobility (employers often take their passports), and the refusal of law enforcement officials to respond to complaints of maltreatment, they are particularly vulnerable to abuse.

“In some African nations, actual slavery continues. Repeated attempts to outlaw slavery in Mauritania have had little effect. The most recent declaration of abolition, in 1980, has been largely ineffective, with 90,000 black Mauritanians remaining essentially enslaved to Arab/Berber owners (citation). In the Sudan, Christian captives in the ongoing civil war are often enslaved, and female prisoners are often used sexually, with their Muslim captors claiming that Islamic law grants them permission…”

in African and Arab Countries ethnic groups in power are members of a “privileged” class that is “systemically racist” against minority ethnic groups.

Arab Racism against Blacks in Libya

The New YorkTimes wrote in the summer of 2018: “…In the Arab world, where racism is a deeply rooted yet rarely discussed issue, blackface comedy is facing a surge of criticism on social media, even forcing the occasional apology. But the practice remains widespread and acceptable enough to be a staple on major television networks.

“…The targets of that humor — most often from Sudan, a sprawling Arabic-speaking country in Africa — say there is nothing funny about it. “Blackface is disgusting and offensive,” said Sara Elhassan, a Sudanese writer in the United States. “It’s not just about skin color; it’s about stereotypes.”

Arab Racism against Blacks in Sudan

On February 7, 2011 Mathew Brunswasser reported in PRI (Public Radio International) about Arab racism against blacks in Sudan “…southern Sudanese consider themselves blacks while northerners see themselves as Arabs and treat blacks as second class…” the note goes on to explain how Sudan’s former president Omar al Bashir would be considered black in America but in Sudan he is considered an Arab because “his color is not black totally…”

Arab Racism against Blacks in Somalia: The “Soft Hairs” vs. the Bantus

On February 13, 1994 The Seattle Times reported about racism in Ilhan Omar’s Somalia. Ilhan Omar belongs to the Majeerteen Clan who are members of the Arab Darood family:. “Amid the hatred and violence that cut so many ways in Somalia, people of Arab descent with soft hair hold sway over those who wear the hard curls of an African.”

The soft hairs, Somalis whose ethnic roots are buried in the sands of the Arabian Peninsula, own the businesses, carry the guns and run the political factions that are vying to replace deposed dictator Mohamed Siad Barre.

Warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid is a soft-hair. Arab-descended Somalis have also robbed their hard-haired countrymen, many of whose ancestors were East Africans, of their farms and forced them into modern-day servitude that borders on slavery. “Somalia has a racism problem. It’s one of the dirty little secrets that the civil war has exposed,” said Ken Menkhaus, a Somalia scholar and U.N. adviser from Davidson College in North Carolina.

“The distinction is not color, but ancestry. The Somalis of Arab descent call their brethren “tiimo jereer” – hard hairs. Or, more honestly, “addoon” – slave. That is what many were a century ago and what they have become again since civil war ripped away what little protection they had.

“For lack of a more accurate term, aid workers call the East African-descended people Bantus after the group of languages many of their ancestors spoke. New deeds written Under Siad Barre’s 22-year regime, the 300,000 or so Somali Bantus lost much of their land to government officials who simply wrote themselves deeds to the richest farms along the Jubba and Shabeelle rivers of southern Somalia. During the famine, those landless Bantus were the first to go hungry.

“When Siad Barre fell, the Somali clan gunmen came, again forcing Bantus from their farms, raping Bantu women and settling into a pattern of routine extortion that could only be called servitude by terror. ‘We have to work for the people who stole our land. Our girls have to work as servants in our own houses,’ said Aden Yusuf Aden, 28, a resident of Sagaalaad, a predominantly Bantu village on the banks of the crocodile-infested Shabeelle, 19 miles west of Mogadishu…”

In 2015 World Bulletin reported “Between the two only permanent rivers in arid Somalia, the Juba and Shabelle, lays one of the most fertile lands in the continent. For years, it has made Somalia the highest producer of bananas in Africa. It is Somalia’s food basket and a land that has been fought over by successive warlords during two decades of war.

“This is the home of a minority community known as the Jareerwayne, or Somali Bantu, who number one million out of the country’s population of 10 million, according to the UNHCR. Unlike their pastoralist neighbors, Bantus are a farming community. The Bantus, or Jareerwayne as they prefer to call themselves, are also different in physical appearance. They share negroid features of wooly hair and broad noses – unlike ethnic Somalis, who have Caucasoid features like milky hair and straight noses.

“‘Our ancestors were brought to Somalia from Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi as slaves more than 400 years ago, mostly to toil on the fertile land along the Shabelle and Juba,’ Hussein Abdi, a 36-year-old Somali Bantu living as a refugee in Nairobi’s mainly Somali Eastleigh district, told the Anadolu Agency. But even after the abolition of slavery and Somalia’s independence from Italy in 1960, the ethnic minority, which has been vital to the national economy, has felt marginalized, ‘I fled Mogadishu ten years ago and sought refuge in Kenya,’ said Ahmed. ‘I couldn’t take the fighting anymore, but above all I couldn’t live like I was – a second-class citizen with no rights,’ he lamented. ‘We are always looked down upon in Somalia.’

“…The Somali civil war led to a large exodus of Somali Bantus who crossed over to Kenya, while others –who could trace their original tribes back to the time before their ancestors were sold in the Zanzibar slave market by Arabs and Swahilis – were resettled in Tanzania. Most of their homes back in Somalia were destroyed by invading clan militias and their farms taken by new migrating Somali clans…”

The Muslim\Arab Slave Traders

Wikipedia says: “Slavery in Somalia existed as a part of the Arab slave trade. To meet the demand for menial labor, Bantus from southeastern Africa captured by Somali slave traders were sold in cumulatively large numbers over the centuries to customers in Somalia and other areas in Northeast Africa…”

Desmond Berg wrote in April 30, 2018 on Sovereignnations.com “…some historians assert that as many as 17 million people were sold into slavery on the coast of the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, and North Africa, and approximately 5 million African slaves were bought by Muslim slave traders and taken from Africa across the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara desert between 1500 and 1900 ( “Focus on the slave trade”. BBC). The captive slaves were sold in slave markets throughout the Middle East.”

“…Ethnic Bantu slaves bought by Arab slave traders from southeastern Africa were sold in cumulatively large numbers over the centuries to customers on the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, the Persian Gulf, Somalia, and European colonies in the Far East of Asia (Gwyn Campbell, The Structure of Slavery in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia, 1 edition, (Routledge: 2003)…” Read more at A history of Arab Slave Trade in Africa.

David Gakunzi wrote in the JCPA in September 2018 “…The Arab slave trade was characterized by appalling violence, castration, and rape. The men were systematically castrated to prevent them from reproducing and becoming a stock. This inhumane practice resulted in a high death rate: six out of 10 people who were mutilated died from their wounds in castration centers. The Arab slave trade also targeted African women and girls, who were captured and deported for use as sex slaves.”

“According to the work of some historians, the Arab slave trade has affected more than 17 million people. In the Saharan region alone, more than nine million African captives were deported and two million died on the roads. This despicable phenomenon was legitimized by Islam, as Christianity would later condone the transatlantic slave trade. For example, the Tunisian Arab historian Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) wrote that “the only peoples to accept slavery are the Negroes, because of their lower degree of humanity, their place being closer to the animal stage.”

“When they arrived at destinations, the captives were sold in the slave markets of Cairo, Baghdad, Istanbul, Mecca, and other centers. These slaves played various roles in the economy of the Muslim world. They were used as servants, harem keepers, laborers in fields, mines, and hydraulic yards, and as cannon fodder in armies.

“Ill-treatment sometimes led slaves to rebellion. For example, the revolt of the Zanj, which occurred near the city of Basra in Iraq in 869, lasted 15 years. Under the command of Ali Ibn Muhammad, slaves from East Africa and the Great Lakes region rose up, took control of many cities, and founded an embryonic state. They were defeated only in 883.

“The Arab slave trade had a tragic impact on the evolution of African societies. Some areas were completely devastated and depopulated. Welsh explorer Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) was a horrified witness of this traffic. He wrote that after the depredations of the Arab traffickers, ‘the black blood flows toward the north, the equator smells corpses.’

“The Arab slave trade also promoted the development of racialist and essentialist theories that view blacks as inferior by nature. In many Arab countries this racism still exists; for example, the same words are used to describe Africans, blacks, and slaves…”

Slavery today in Somalia and Mauritania

Nikala Pieroni reported in November 12, 2015 on a site that has since been suspended that slavery still exists in Somalia “….According to many, Somalia is a state that is very vulnerable to modern slavery…city centers in both Puntland and Somaliland are used to transport people from southern and rural Somalia up into other parts of Africa…

The essay by Kathleen Fitzgibbon entitled ‘Modern Day Slavery?’ also brings up a situation that has been large in Somalia, the use of children in warfare. While she states that this does not just happen in Somalia, she explains that many children in Africa are abducted and forced to fight in civil wars, which Somalia has been a part of for many years. There is a desperation in small militias to produce enough power to fight, and forcing people into militaristic slavery is one way that this has happened..

There is also slavery in Mauritania. On its August 2019 issue Le Monde Diplomatique denounced the racism in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania “Ahmed made mint tea while Abdallah talked in a mix of French and Pulaar, a Fula language spoken in Mauritania: ‘Mauritania’s completely racist. Everyone knows, but no one talks about it. That’s off limits!’ At the top are the Bidhan [lighter-skinned Arab Berbers, ‘white Moors’]. They own everything. Then there’s us, the West Africans.’ Abdallah tapped his forearm with his index finger. ‘And at the bottom there are the Haratin. They’re Moors, too, and speak the same language as the Bidhan, but they’re black like us.’ He tapped his forearm again. ‘They used to be the Bidhan’s slaves and now they’re looked down on even more than us.’

Biram Dah Abeid was just 8 when he became aware of slavery in his home country of Mauritania. He saw a defenseless youth being beaten by a man—a common experience, his parents explained, for the thousands of Mauritanians still treated as chattels by their “masters.” Biram himself was of slave descent; his own grandmother was born into slavery.

Biram promised that day that he would resist. And in 2008, he founded the Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA-Mauritania). Alongside other Mauritanian anti­slavery organizations, such as SOS-Esclaves, IRA-Mauritania has sought to break the official silence that enables slavery to persist by using nonviolent tactics: reporting and publicizing cases, assisting victims and holding sit-ins and demonstrations. For this, Biram and his colleagues have been imprisoned on numerous occasions…”

On August 3, 2011 Sy Hamdu reported in Pambazuka News (a website that advocates for freedom and justice in Africa) about a conference in France to discuss the discrimination and enslavement of blacks in Mauritania “The conference held on Saturday 25 June 2011 and organised by Biram Dah Abeid gave rise to a particular interest and enthusiasm on the part of some of the main political actors and their associates within the Mauritanian diaspora in France.

In discussing slavery and state racism, our host Biram, president of the IRA (Initiative de Résurgence du mouvement Abolitionniste de France-Mauritanie), emphasised the ‘the ideological and religious foundations of slavery and racism with the state in Mauritania’….Biram returned to the central facts around slavery in Mauritania, notably the practice of guardianship – women and children are left to the cruelty of men and women, heartless masters with neither faith or reason.

“…’Where is the compassion of this community calling itself Muslim? What human values form their identity? What goes on in the heads of those men and women who exercise such cruelty, barbarism and cynicism? The inhumanity of these practices challenges our very confidence in what’s human when humanity is capable of undertaking such acts. An ideological, military and police machinery is consistently mobilised to this effect. There has never been any form of respite for the men, women and children assigned to the deadly status of slaves.’

“‘Mauritanian society is deeply slavery-oriented and as such has produced deeply unjust inequalities. Certain techniques involving humiliation, torture and even being put to death are employed in the aim of keeping slaves dependent on their masters through fear, shame and submission.

“Biram explained this in strong terms; the master recognizes no right to a dignified life or free black existence as human beings. As a result, children and women remain without protection or security, being at the mercy of arbitrary, cruel and unbearable Moorish masters who defy contemporary humanity through the use of barbarous and wicked treatment and the denial of the most basic of rights. … This system is rooted in an enduring ideological base, one which constitutes an untouchable and immutable dogma and which gives rise to a logic of extermination and annihilation of the moral and ethical character of black people.

“…Mauritania as a racist and slave state must be overcome for the purpose of building a fair, free and egalitarian Mauritanian society. This Mauritania will be one in which citizens have the rights of citizenship, rather than one in which black people are reduced to indignity under Moorish oppression…”

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