Col. Richard Kemp: “One of the greatest catastrophes in Western foreign policy since WWII”

by Phil Schneider

Appeasement is a proven foreign policy disaster. But yes, there are times when fighting can be averted and lives saved – without appeasing the enemy. Col. Kemp is correct in noting that this situation in Afghanistan may seem like a minor mistake, but it already has led to the loss of many lives and will undoubtedly lead to more suffering in the region.

An example of a situation in which a US President withstood the temptation to enter into a war, yet did not appease is the incident when the Soviet Union placed missiles in Cuba without the United States knowing about it. This turned into a major game-stopper for the United States and the Kennedy Administration. Many in the leadership of the United States properly understood this to be a test of the young John F. Kennedy’s will to stop the Soviet Union. There were clear voices that clamored for a full-fledged attack on Cuba in order to neutralize the threat. But, Kennedy understood that though the threat was indeed real, it was more of a test than a genuine attempt from the Soviet Union to attack the United States.

In the end, a combination of diplomacy and a full naval blockade that did allow the Soviet Union to climb down the tree proved to be the right policy. Both need to be utilized, threats and diplomacy. When this administration begins to use diplomacy – with a threat of attack, it will begin to regain the respect that it has just lost on the world stage.

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