Allan Bloom wrote a book around 30 years ago and called it, “The Closing of the American Mind.” This fascinating video about the way hundreds of millions of Chinese people grew up is truly frightening. It is not so much about the evils of communism or of totalitarianism. It is about how the minds of so many people in China are not open to any form of questioning the authorities. It is simply too costly to think freely. So, people keep their mouths, and more importantly – their minds, shut and just follow the Chinese systems of education.
The crux of this fascinating video is that China is now going full throttle into the world of thought control, and that modern-day woke culture is similar in many ways to China. It is fascinating how the Chinese system is so filled with capitalism, despite being a totalitarian-run society that is based on Communism. It is actually a purely corrupt form of capitalism wherein the State actually controls nearly everything, despite the outer veneer of allowing capitalism to thrive in the modern-day Chinese world.
But totalitarianism is all about thought control more than it is about communism or socialism. That is the thesis of this young Chinese woman who has received a higher education in America. America and China now have a lot in common – as far as thought control. Does this mean that America is on the verge of totalitarianism? No. But in one very significant way, aspects of totalitarianism are indeed taking root in America. A revitalized attitude that prioritizes freedom must turn into a sweeping movement – led by people of high moral regard – from the left and the right. It should be a non-political movement that attacks the radical left with banners declaring Democrats and Republicans reject totalitarianism. Liberals and Conservatives agree that freedom of thought must be fought for. Otherwise, we will wake up one day and realize that it is too late to turn back the clock.