Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria. President Trump Blames Russia, Iran and Obama

by Avi Abelow

This past Saturaday night Syrian leader Bashar Assad launched a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel held Syrian town near Damascus. Relief workers at the scene report that at least 100 people have been killed with hundreds more wounded.

The following video footage of the hospital emergency room was released by the Douma Revolution, a Syrian pro-opposition facebook page. Viewer discretion is advised.

From the Scene

Many of the dead are little children, a spokesman for the international charity Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM) released.

“Entire families in shelters gassed to death in Douma EastGhouta hiding in their cellars, suffocated from the poisonous gas bringing the initial death toll to more than 40,” the organization said on Twitter.

“The fate of hundreds of families inside shelters is still unknown [in Douma] due to cuts in communication and electricity, as rescue teams find it hard to have access,” the opposition National Coalition added in an online statement.

While Damascus and Moscow deny that chemical weapons were used in the attack, US President Trump believes otherwise. President Trump went on a tweet storm today singling out Russian president Vladimir Putin as responsbile. The President wrote that he held Russia and Iran, Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s backers, responsible for the attack. He called the Syrian President “Animal Assad” and warned there would be a “big price to pay” for the attack. President Trump also lashed out at former President Obama, blaming him for the current situation as well.

President Trump’s Tweets

How will the Trump administration Respond

Tom Bossert, White House homeland security and counter-terrorism adviser, confirmed that the Trump administration was planning its response to the attack. “I wouldn’t take anything off the table,” he said on ABC’s This Week on Sunday.

Sen. Lindsey Graham told ABC that this was a “defining moment” for the president.

“He has challenged Assad in the past not to use chemical weapons,” said Graham. “If it becomes a tweet without meaning, then he’s hurt himself in North Korea. If he doesn’t follow through and live up to that tweet, he’s going to look weak in the eyes of Russia and Iran.”

Graham urged Mr. Trump to “show a resolve that Obama never did to get this right.”

Regarding possible U.S. military action, White House homeland security adviser Tom Bossert said ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday that the U.S. “wouldn’t take anything off the table.”

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