Brooke Goldstein talks about what no one else will

by Phil Schneider

Brooke Goldstein does not speak PC. She is willing to criticize Islam, and understands that No-Go Zones in England exist. The police do not want to go there – for good reason. Once that concept exists, it sets a dangerous precedent. If there is no concept of rule of law in a small section of a country, well, why don’t they apply it to larger sections of the country?

No Go Zones are a No-No

Anytime there is a place that is not under the rule of law, major issues will erupt – usually violence. A strong government can sometimes be too strong. But it is better than a weak government that allows chaos to take place on it’s streets. A Yale historian, Timothy Snyder, explained that the countries in Europe that retained a government-in-tact throughout the war turned out to be much better places for Jews to be in than countries that lost sovereignty. So, for example, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Galicia, and Rumania were all horrible places for Jews to be in during the Holocaust. But statistically, even Germany, where hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed, had a higher survival rate among Jews than did Poland.

Areas where there is chaos are areas where the most base elements of society dominate – as there is no incentive for the dangerous elements to hold back their passions. We cannot allow this to become a norm. Otherwise, all of our concerns about anti-semitism and anti-Americanism will be for naught as the hooligans will run the roost in more and more areas. We need to remove PC attitudes from our life and say it like it is. Rule of law must be a black and white issue. That is what will insure our freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Otherwise, we will find ourselves stifled and overrun by democratically elected Shariah Law.

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