Violent Jaffa Riots Continue As “BLM” Arrives In Israel

by David Mark

What started as a routine arrest over breaking the coronavirus quarantine has now evolved into violent protests in Israel’s coastal city of Jaffa, a predominantly Arab city.

The protests are continuing over a planned expansion of a homeless shelter onto the grounds of an Islamic cemetery. The problem is, the cemetery no longer exists and was moved a century ago. None of this matters as the BLM riots appear to be arriving in Israel.

While no one was under any illusions about the propensity for Israel’s left and extremists amongst the Israeli Arab minority to copycat what is going on in the USA, it has remained unclear when and where the violence would start.

The assumption had been that it would be attached to the July 1st date set for the possible beginning of extending Israel’s sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria.

What we are seeing now is the realization that the BLM movement or at least the Israeli version of it, has decided to jump the gun and start a bit early.

While it seems clear that there will not be the same sort of breakdown we are witnessing in America due to the riots, Israel needs to be careful about controlling so Arabs in general, do not learn that they can get away with violence.

Another worry is that, minority communities like Druze and Ethiopian Jews who have had integration challenges in the past may be manipulated in joining any BLM influenced Arab riots. Then again, if BLM and their leftist lackeys in Israel think they can conjure up intersectionality between Israeli Arabs, Druze, and Ethiopian Jews, as well infiltrators from Sudan – they better think again. Most of these groups have little reason to work together – especially Ethiopian Jews, who see themselves and are seen as part of the Jewish nation.

Most likely, what will happen is that younger Israeli Arabs who have not been fully integrated into Israel will join forces with their counterparts within the PA and look to spread violence by using parallel talking points from the US BLM movement.

Expect a tough few weeks in Israel, but no where near the social collapse we are seeing across the USA.

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