Bennett’s Unforgettable Response to CNN Reporter’s Foolish Question

by Leah Rosenberg

Naftali Bennett nailed it with his response to CNN here about so-called “innocent Palestinians” being killed in Israel’s rescue mission.

Bennett’s Perfect Response to CNN

Let’s be honest. The question isn’t really fair to begin with. Can you claim that “innocent” civilians were killed when it has been very clear that not many innocents live in Gaza? It was these so-called “innocent Palestinians” holding actual innocent Israelis hostage! No, when you hold people hostage and help carry out a brutal massacre, you are not innocent. When you comply with Hamas, you are not innocent. And when you claim you are a journalist but keep hostages in your home, you are not innocent. If there were any actual innocent Gazans killed in this rescue mission, that is most definitely not the responsibility of the Israelis who have gone above and beyond to minimize civilian casualties – more so than any other people in any other war. It is solely the fault of Hamas for invading Israel and brutally murdering, raping, beheading, burning, and taking Israelis as hostages. Why is Israel criticized for defending itself and trying to bring its people home?

Seriously – what did the world expect Israel to do after October 7? A disgusting, barbaric, vicious terror group attacked the Jewish people and the state of Israel. And did the world expect us to, as Naftali Bennett said, “…come in dancing ballet and with flowers to get our people back.”

Enough of the stupidity and foolishness of the world. Israel is treated as the villain and the real villain is treated with respect. The world is so backwards.

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