Arab Terrorist Stabs Jews In Jerusalem

by Gavriel Dan

An Arab terrorist stabbed a soldier and on other at a light rail stop in Jerusalem. The terrorist was a 17 years old from Kfar Akab.

Just days after a ceasefire tentatively took hold, an Arab teen attacked a soldier and one other at a light rail stop in Jerusalem. The terrorist’s knife was kept in the victim’s back until emergency services were able to determine the damage the attack caused, which made the imagery far more worst.

Today’s attack occurred as Jerusalem begins to open up after weeks of violence shattering the eerie calm that has descended on the city. With the ceasefire important to both sides, Hamas and its partners appear to have returned to lone wolf attacks in order to keep the pressure on Israel.

For the last number of years, during the relative lull in fighting between Hamas and Israel, the “palestinian” terrorist leaders focused on lone wolf attacks that appeared to be organic and one-offs. Off course, Israel’s intelligence services were able to show that these attacks, although carried out by low level recruits, the planning and propaganda came from the highest levels of the “palestinian” leadership.

If today’s attack is a premonition and a return to those lone wolf attacks from before, Israel will need to once again search for the inner strength to hold off the terror onslaught.

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