Amazing Supportive Voice for Israel in EU Parliament – Against the EU Financing of Terror

by Avi Abelow

Not all members of the European Parliament are hostile toward Israel

On May 18th, MEP Prof. Dr. Jörg Meuthen displayed courage, bravery and common sense in a speech he gave to the EU parliament.

Well done, Mr Meuthen, and thank you for standing with Israel!

His Speech:

Mr President, we are profoundly shocked by Hamas’ rocket terror against the Israeli people.

As a German, I am appalled and disgusted that anti-Semitic slogans are ringing out loud and unhindered throughout our cities today. This is the result of Left, Green and Islamic anti-Semitism, promoted and fueled by quite a few members of this very Parliament in the guise of “criticism of Israel” – downplaying Israeli victims, fueling propaganda and demonizing Israel.

I say loud and clear to all of them: Absolutely nothing can justify this terror against Israel!

For us, unlike others, this is not just lip service: Israel and the many Jewish people here in Europe have our unshakable solidarity, these days more than ever!

We stand against hatred and violence: to protect Jewish life in freedom all over the world and for lasting peace in the Holy Land.

We may no longer let the EU indirectly finance Hamas and Fatah extremists and their terror against Israel with so-called humanitarian aid!

Our full solidarity to Israel in the struggle for its inalienable right to exist!

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