About Israel bringing in Ukrainian Refugees…

by Zahava Englard Shapiro

Well, seems to be a done deal. I don’t mean that our gov’t is composed of spineless weasels – that ship has sailed. But now we can expect an unlimited influx of non-Jewish Ukrainians, who have all of Europe to resettle in, and who don’t even pass the required Jewish grandfather clause to move to the one and only Jewish state of Israel. As long as they have some kind of relative living in Israel, the doors are opened to them. And no, having a relative in Israel does not make one Jewish.

Plus, don’t think for one moment that if they want to come to Israel that it means they are not Jew-haters. Seriously? That’s almost funny.

Life is good in Israel, and those people know that it’s a paradise here, especially when compared to the eastern European muck they come from.

In any case, we have enough experience from non-Jewish immigrants over the decades who are Jew-hating thorns in our side. What will happen with this new wave is one further step in Dejudaizing the “Jewish” State of Israel. With Ukrainians no less!

Because sending our medical personnel wasn’t enough. Building state-of-the-art medical emergency centers there wasn’t enough. Sending tons upon tons of humanitarian aid wasn’t enough. We have to now open our borders. And to what??

The mental midgets in our country who determine policy can’t bend over low enough to please a country that not only has never supported Israel on any international level but names streets and builds memorials to their home-grown butchers of Jews.

And this Zelensky character, a character so foul as to cynically use the Holocaust, distorting the historical account of the Holocaust, in order to manipulate us, while his henchmen, at the same time, threaten us, plan to initiate legal proceedings against our sovereign rule of law, is nothing less than diabolical. Don’t tell me how Zelensky was born Jewish. Because that just makes him a unique kind of evil. His Ukrainian flag fits him well.

No, nothing has changed with Ukrainians with regard to Jews. And meanwhile, what does our saintly gov’t do for our Holocaust survivors in Israel suffering and living below the poverty level? איזה בושה וחרפה!

I am beyond disgusted.

Charity begins at home! We must first care for our own people with dignity and respect. You don’t disregard your own who are in need, while running to curry favor, especially from those whose record against Israel and Jews stand well on its own and slap a “humanitarian” banner over it.

We have so many people, so many groups, so many communities here in Israel who need gov’t assistance, so many issues that require gov’t attention that must be resolved, and little or nothing is done. We question the validity of Jewishness among the rest of the Ethiopian Jews that need to be saved, and we put a hold on their entry until it can be straightened out. But hey, let’s bring in thousands of non-Jewish Ukrainians, who actually can resettle throughout Europe!

WHEN will we as a nation find our backbone?!

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