There are times in life when what we need to do – more than anything else – is to not give up. We need to remember that there is a greater force that runs the world, and we need to pray. Yes, prayer is the answer. It is not the only answer, but it is the essential first and last ingredient.
Yes, we need to take all of the precautions that are necessary in these turbulent Corona – filled times. But in addition, we need to remember that God created the world, and He will make sure to end this curse in due course. There is so much good and plenty in this world that it is easy to forget that there also exists dangerous realities in this world. What God seems to want via the Corona curse is our prayers. He wants us to call out and yearn for his help.
We may be the most technologically advanced generation. Yet, we have not been able to quickly stem this dangerous virus from reaching tens of thousands, and soon hundreds of thousands of people. There are times that we need to “hold on” – and that means to hold on to God, to a Greater force that controls so much more of this world than we are accustomed to think. Let’s pray together – but separately – in order to keep this virus from spreading even more.