Wild Bill has an important message about choosing your friends

by Leah Rosenberg

Wild Bill gets it, that’s for sure. He is well aware of the importance of a strong relationship between the US and Israel!

Wild Bill on Israel’s Friendship

Friends are important. People might know that intellectually, but when it comes down to it, many forget that their friends affect them. It affects who we are. It really shows what values we have. And Wild Bill has a message that sadly, many need to hear.

When it comes to the Middle East, who should America defend and support ALWAYS? Hamas? Syria? Lebanon? That would just be absurd. That would just show that America’s values align with terrorist regimes instead of with democracy. America’s strongest ally in the Middle East is Israel! Israel and America have the same values. And America should never abandon the one and only Jewish state. But yet, here in 2019, it seems that some in the US government have chosen the wrong friends.

“The Squad” Has Different Friends

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib, otherwise known as “The Squad,” have friends that show the true colors of these four. They have chosen to side with terrorists over Israel. They have chosen to side with America’s enemies instead of America’s allies. And the truth is, that says a lot about them. In fact, it really says everything you need to know. Siding with evil over good is a pretty clear choice.

Our friends say a lot about us. And if we want to show people our values, we better pick the right friends.

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