Widow of Fallen Soldier and Her Father Reveal a Stunning Truth About the Jewish Nation 

by Phil Schneider

Is Israel a unified country or a country made up of small factions that are constantly fighting with one another? In regular times, Israel always seems to be a country where bickering is the norm, disagreements abound on nearly every subject, and nobody seems to agree on much of anything. But this is all an external mirage. It is actually one of the most unified countries in the history of the world. Unfortunately, it takes a major crisis like the October 7th Arab massacre of Israelis to reveal the latent unity that lies beneath the surface of Israeli society. 

Usually the stories that reveal the hidden unity within Israel are stories on the battlefield, stories of soldiers risking their lives to save their brothers in arms. Often the soldiers battling have asolutely no idea who is fighting beside them, who is covering them with artillery, and who is in the tank next to them defending them. But every day, these soldiers risk their lives without any inkling of a thought for the differences within Israeli society. 

The Jewish people don’t just become unified when their back is against the wall. The unity simply gets covered up with layers when there is no specific reason for it to be revealed. The Jewish people are always one large fascinating mosaic working in harmony directed by G-d above. However, many people get caught up in all of the daily grind issues, and allow themselves to fall victim to focusing on minor differences instead of the big picture. The political side of Israel presents the greatest cover of all to the truly unified feeling across Israeli society.

This beautiful short documentary of not-so-regular Israelis does an excellent job of revealing the essence of the complexities and beauty of Israeli life. Despite significant ideological differences, families across Israel have deep resepct for one another. The idea is to keep the deep respect from being covered up by the dustiness and challenges of daily lifestyle. In the Israel of today, this unity is being uncovered on a daily level.


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