What You Need to Know About Israel’s War Against Hamas 

by Phil Schneider

As opposed to previous rounds between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, this time Israel is determined to finish the job once and for all. The rest of the world still does not fully understand that this time, everything has changed. Israel has undergone a fundamental shift since Octovber 7th, and no politician can stay in power without sticking to the massive majority that supports nothing but the total obliteration of Hamas.

Israelis also understand well that there is no quick and painless way to do this. Israel’s strategic mistakes that were committed over a span of more than 20 years cannot be fixed with a quick military onslaught. Hamas built hundreds of miles of terror tunnels under the Gaza Strip with hundreds of full-fledged terror-production facilities all throughout the Gaza Strip . Following months of blowing up hundreds of tunnels, there are still many left and they cannot be removed without Israel going from building to building and destroying them all. This takes many months, if not longer, and will not end until there are ZERO missiles left to attack Israel.

But that is not all. The Israeli population is absolutely united around the necessity for Israel to never make the mistake again of leaving our safety in the hands of Arabs. Would America make the decision to allow North Korea, Mexico, or Cuba to be in charge of safety on the borders of the United States? Of course, Israel does not have any oceans separating it from it’s enemies. Every American understood under JFK that the Cuban missile threat must be dismantled completely. Today, every Israeli understands that Israel must do whatever it takes to rid the Israeli population of the Hamas missile threat. 

It will not be over quickly. Every Israeli politician, from Netanyahu on the right, to the left-leaning Generals, understand that they simply have no choice. Israel must either completely defeat Hamas, or the continuous threat to kill Jews will just continue on and on for generations.

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