What the Media is Hiding: Israel Warns People to Evacuate Before Destroying Hamas Buildings

by Leah Rosenberg

Here is the perfect example of why the media cannot be trusted. They literally side with terrorist organizations over Israel!

The Media Sides with Terrorists

The attached footage is of a Gazan contractor of a 14-story building talking in Arabic to an Israeli army intelligence officer. Inside his building are the offices of the Hamas Army Intelligence, the AP, and Al Jazeera English news agencies. Israel, needing to take down the building because Hamas uses it as a base as well, had already told the news agencies an hour beforehand to vacate the premises. The local Gazan astonishingly says “we respect your decision” but as a mediator he asks for 10 more minutes for the agencies to take out the rest of their equipment. The officer refuses, stating they already have had an hour, and he doesn’t want these people going back in because it is dangerous for THEM. All this effort to save civilians is going on WHILE rockets are bombarding our country. What other country does this in a war? None! Yet these same media organizations lie about Israel in their reporting.

After the building was demolished, AP one of the world’s most powerful news agencies, released an audacious statement in which there was only a meagre secondary disclaimer sentence of having been given a warning: “A dozen AP journalists and freelancers were inside the building and thankfully we were able to evacuate them in time. The world will know less about what is happening in Gaza because of what happened today.” No, AP, the world will know more because as long as your offices are disabled it gives people less exposure to your twisting of the truth.

Why are these “reputable” global and influential media agencies even sharing premises with an internationally-designated terror organisation?

The global media knows that Hamas uses civilians as human shields, including their own staff, for years. Their coverup of this despicable war crime makes all these media organizations complicit in these war crimes. Even worse, by covering up for these war crimes and blaming Israel for the deaths of innocent civilians in Gaza instead of Hamas, the global media, and politicians who also know, are responsible for the growing antisemitism around the world.

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