President Biden’s deafening silence on the thousands of rockets against Israel

by Leah Rosenberg

What is the policy of President Biden on the Middle East? Well, we are seeing now that President Biden is not taking a strong stand on the situation in Israel. He is not standing up against Israel nor is he supporting Israel by speaking out against the Hamas raining down missiles on Israeli towns and cities. However, it must be noted that he has publicly – even if by mistake – confronted Rashida Tlaib about her radical anti-Israel stance. This must be noted. Barack Obama would never have done such a deed.

The most important question may not be where President Biden stands. It is where does the next President of the United States stands – Kamala Harris. The odds are certainly high that Joe Biden will not last the entire first term due to his medical situation. The main question is probably whether or not he will last more than one or two years. Kamala Harris will probably follow the lead of the likes of Barack Obama more than Biden when it comes to how to deal with the State of Israel.

Barack Obama has clearly shown that the State of Israel is not a high priority to him. He has adopted the Chamberlain-like policy of appeasement towards aggressors. He genuinely believes that the way to fight aggressors is via meetings and understandings, and not through threats of force – backed up by previous actions. The United States is well on it’s way towards the 3rd term of Barack Obama. Joe Biden will probably be an ineffective. bumbling, yet not-so-radical President on foreign policy. But, he will step aside, and we will be dealing with a Susan Rice or Barack Obama – led government with Kamala Harris at the helm. These are precarious times.

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