Watch: A Thank You to President Trump for Everything He Did for Israel and the Jewish People

by Leah Rosenberg

President Trump makes the headlines more than many other people do. But here is something good that he should make the headlines for.

Thank You, President Trump

The Left goes after President Trump dishonestly and unreasonably. They have an incessant obsession with bringing him down. Regardless of the critiques against him, the left’s incessant media and legal attacks against him are disproportional and unfair, very similar to the incessant media and legal attacks against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

What the Left never talks about is all the good that former president Trump has done – for America and for the Jewish people. Trump has been one of the Jewish people’s, and Israel’s, greatest friends. No one can deny that. He has stood up for the Jewish nation and their homeland on many occasions. And so, it is very fitting that he got an official award from the Israel Heritage Foundation.

What’s happening now under Biden further highlights how good the Trump administration was for both the United States and Israel. The difference between the two administrations is obvious. Maybe one day people will wake up. But until then, the haters will continue to hate. But the facts are the facts. President Trump did more good for Israel and the Jews than any other president. He supported the existence of the Jewish state and the Jewish people’s right to their land in a way that no president before him did. Anyone who says otherwise needs a major reality check.

For the rest of us who see the truth, thank you, President Trump. The Jewish people are forever grateful.

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