The UN is trying to bury the truth but Jerusalem refuses to be silent

by Avi Abelow

While UNESCO is Rewriting History. The City of David is Uncovering the Truth

What an unbelievable find in the City of David. Yet the UN continues to ignore these fascinating archaeological findings. It is unfathomable that they continue to deny the connection of Jerusalem to the Jewish people.

This recent revelation is staggering…

The Bible Coming to Life

Anyone who visits the City of David literally sees the Bible come to life!  Open up the Bible. Look out upon the beautiful hills surrounding the City of David.  See all the locations mentioned in the Bible!

Secrets right under our feet

Millions of visitors tour Jerusalem annually.  However, very few are aware that just a few meters beneath them, one of the largest and most significant excavations is underway. This excavation reveals the magnificent thoroughfare upon which pilgrims from around the world traveled on their way to the Temple.

There is no better proof against UNESCO than the City of David excavations.  The City of David unearths 3,000 years of history – every day.  One of the most amazing recent discoveries is the amazing seal from the times of the Bible.  The seal contains the exact words of the Bible – the exact names mentioned in the Bible.  Unbelievable!

2,000 year-old finds

The City of David is finding minted coins – created 600 years before the creation of Islam.  Doron Spielman makes a riveting case against the UN in this video.

The Bible indeed comes to life – every day – on the streets of Jerusalem.  But not only on the streets of Jerusalem above ground – on the streets beneath the ground.  On the streets covered for thousands of years with rubble.

You can’t run away from the truth.  Jerusalem is a Jewish city forever.


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