Ilhan Omar Called Out for Being Ungrateful and for Hating America

by Avi Abelow

Fox News host Tucker Carlson called out Congresswoman Omar for being ungrateful to America for saving her and her family while pointing her out as an example of what is wrong about US immigration.

Carlson is reacting to Omar’s recent statements to a High School audience in Minnesota:

“I grew up in an extremely unjust society, and the only thing that made my family excited about coming to the United States was that the United States was supposed to be the country that guaranteed justice to all,” Omar told students. “So, I feel it necessary for me to speak about that promise that’s not kept.”

Carlson brings up a number of problematic statements said by Omar, like referring to the 9/11 terror attacks as “some people did something.”

The host also condemned remarks Omar made criticizing Christianity and “religious fundamentalists”.

“Religious fundamentalists are currently trying to manipulate state laws in order to impose their beliefs on an entire society,” she said. “All with complete disregard for voices and the rights of American women.”

This is especially hypocritical since Omar herself believes in shariah law, a religious system that disregards the voices of non-Muslims and all women!

Carlson says the remarks he replayed — as well as those calling for abolishing ICE and the need to “fight back against the criminalization of immigrants,” depict Omar as “someone clearly with a long history of irresponsible and unsupportable statements.”

“Our country rescued Ilhan Omar from the single worst place on earth, we didn’t do it to get rich, in fact it cost us money. We did it because we are kind people,” Carlson said of the refugee Congresswoman. “How did Ilhan Omar respond to the remarkable gift we gave her? She scolded us and called us names. She showed us with contempt. It’s infuriating but more than that, it’s also ominous.”

“Omar may be from another country but she learned young that crying racism pays. The bigger question is, who taught her that? She didn’t arrive from a Kenyan refugee camp announcing people as bigots for a political campaign. She wasn’t always a professional victim. That is learned behavior,” he said.

“In some ways, the real villain in the Ilhan Omar story isn’t Omar, it is a group of our fellow Americans,” the host said. “Our cultural gatekeepers who stoke the resentment of new arrivals and turn them into grievance mongers like Ilhan Omar. The left did that to her, and to us. Blame them first.”

Dumbing Down Immigration and the Wall

Regarding immigration, America never was against immigration, and today it is not against immigration. America has to deal with balancing between two different values. The first value is helping and saving people seeking refuge and the second value is protecting America, and all Americans, from growing threats. Open borders, and some immigrants pose a threat to the safety of America. The challenge for America, and all countries open to others, is how to balance those two values as best as possible.

Congresswoman like Omar like to gloss over the very real challenge in balancing between those two values and instead turns to call people haters if they disagree with her.

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In response Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has called Carlson a “racist fool”.

To which Carlson responded that “Congresswoman Omar is quick to describe all criticism of her as racism,” on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

“She has done that quite a bit, but in fact, there are serious reasons to wonder about her judgment and her competence. The evidence suggests that she is an extremist on virtually every topic and has been for quite some time.”

“Congresswoman Omar is quick to describe all criticism of her as racism,” Carlson said Wednesday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

“She has done that quite a bit, but in fact, there are serious reasons to wonder about her judgment and her competence. The evidence suggests that she is an extremist on virtually every topic and has been for quite some time.”

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