Those that decry Netanyahu’s government as a “threat to democracy” turn a blind eye on the violation of American democracy

by Ezequiel Doiny

On January 10, 2023 Ethan Nechin wrote in Time Magazine “Israeli Democracy May Not Survive Netanyahu’s New Government”

On November 22, 2022 Avital Leibovitch wrote in the Jerusalem Post

I read Thomas Friedman’s New York Times column, “The Israel We Knew Is Gone,” once, twice and a third time, repeatedly pinching myself for a reality check.  In his piece, Mr. Friedman described the incoming Israeli coalition government as “the far-far-Right coalition.” It is a coalition, he argues, that threatens minority rights, regional stability, and even the very underpinning of Israeli democracy…”

On November 7, 2022 Mosaic Magazine reported ” Surveying rhetoric concerning last week’s Israeli elections, and the upcoming American elections, Elliott Abrams writes:  There is a striking parallel between the comments being heard from the left in the United States about the meaning of a possible Republican victory on November 8, and from the left in the United States—as much as or more than in Israel—about the meaning of the victory of the right in the Israeli election on November 1. The meaning, we are told, is the end of democracy. That’s what President Biden and Hillary Clinton said on November 2 about our elections, [while] President Obama said, “democracy is on the ballot.” It is what we heard from commentators such as Thomas Friedman about the Israeli results and our own election…”

The New York Times, Time Magazine and other mainstream media publications falsely accuse Netanyahu’s new coalition of threatening Israeli Democracy while turning a blind eye on the real destruction of democracy being done by Democrats in America.

Democracy in America has been destroyed, American political commentators who turn a blind eye on the destruction of American Democracy have no moral standing to criticize Israeli Democracy.

On December 16, 2020 US Senator Rand Paul declared about the 2020 US Presidential Elections “The Fraud Happened; This Election in Many Ways Was Stolen”

Joe Hoft’s book “The Steal” describes how the 2020 election was stolen. The description of Hoft’s book in Amazon says “The 2020 Election in the United States will go down as one of the most significant events in US history. The winner would take control over a $22 trillion economy, a $5 trillion government budget, and the leadership of the free world. 

“President Trump, a billionaire, who despite constant harassment and attacks from the Democrats, members of his own party, Big Media, Big Tech, and foreign entities, was very popular and his base was the largest in US history. His opponent was a failing old man picked by Democrat elites, President Obama’s Vice President, Joe Biden.  The stolen 2020 Election began before it started as noted in The Steal – Volume I: Setting the Stage. 

“Then after months of preparation, the 2020 Election finally arrived on November 3rd, 2020. Late on Election night, President Trump was way ahead in all the swing states, but Big Media never called the election. 

“Finally, President Trump came out and shared that they had had a great day but to look out for 4 am ballot drops. 

“This is exactly what happened next – early in the morning of November 4th hundreds of thousands of ballots were dropped for Joe Biden and he was suddenly ahead in Wisconsin and Michigan. A few days later Pennsylvania and Georgia overcame insurmountable Election night deficits, and those states were stolen too. Arizona, Nevada, Virginia, New Mexico, Colorado, and more had questionable results as well. 

“The impossible occurred and Joe Biden was given the election win.  The stolen election began long before the election ever occurred but was solidified when Republicans were forcefully prevented from entering polling locations where ballot counting was going on. The results were shocking. 

“Anomalies that were never imagined before were identified. Patterns were found in the data that shouldn’t be there. President Trump received 75 million votes, breaking Obama’s record of 69 million in 2008 and receiving more votes than any President in history. But somehow the man who could barely make it out of his basement before the election, who entertained fewer than 2,000 supporters in the two months prior to the election, ended up with 81 million votes!?!  

“Ballots came out of everywhere for Joe Biden. A record number of absentee ballots were dropped in the election. Drop boxes were used for the first time in many states, many ultimately against the law. The ballots that were received lacked chain of custody documentation and to this day no one knows where they came from. The voting machines used appeared designed for fraud. Ultimately, it appeared to be a coordinated attack on our country with free and fair elections being the ultimate casualty.  This book covers the many questionable and fraudulent activities that occurred in the 2020 Election, the most controversial and corrupt election in US history. You’ll be shocked. You may not agree that the 2020 Election was stolen, but you will agree that it never should have been certified – period.”

On November 20, 2022 Jay Valentine revealed in American Thinker one of the ways how Democrats stole the 2020 elections “Database latency — a geeky term, but that’s how they did it!  

“…County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week.  Those 31,000 are undeliverable.  Someone collects those valid ballots.  On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back.   

“National Change of Address Database (NCOA) will not pick up those address changes.  They didn’t happen because there is no history.   The 31,000 citizens were getting their mail just fine — except for ballots.  

“Ballot addresses were driven by the county mail-in ballot database — the one that was changed, then changed back.  Many states send ballots to everyone; the recipient is none the wiser that they never received a mail-in ballot.  They may vote in person.  Oops!  “You already voted!”  Ever heard that?   

“Welcome to database latency.   Our bad guy pals know they can change voter rolls, take an action, then change them back.  Who would know?   A thousand voters are changed from inactive, voted, then changed back, and how would you ever know?  With lots of complex footwork, you could eventually tell from their voter history file — months after the election.   What are you going to do about it?  Reverse the election?” 
Here is another way the 2020 elections were stolen. On May 5, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported “

HUNDREDS of high profile Donald Trump supporters, popular conservative figures, and investigative reporters gathered at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort to view a screening of the shocking 2020 Election documentary, “2,000 Mules.”  

“The film, created by brilliant political commentator Dinesh D’Souza reveals evidence of the greatest crime in American history — the stolen 2020 election. 

“D’Souza follows the coordinated national ballot trafficking conspiracy discovered by True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips.   

“The documentary exposes how political operatives were allegedly paid to drop off hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots at drop boxes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the 2020 election.  The movie has been completely ignored by the mainstream media including FOX News who are afraid Americans will view this and see how the Democrat Party ran a conspiracy to steal the 2020 election…”

Please see the trailer of Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000 mules in the link below.

Biden’s supporters cannot decry Netanyahu’s government as a “threat to democracy” since the sacred cow of democracy has been slaughtered in America. Those that decry Netanyahu’s government as a “threat to democracy” turn a blind eye on the violation of American democracy.

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