This Video Has the Power to Bring the Final Redemption

by Leah Rosenberg

What are you doing to bring the Final Redemption? Do you love your “brother?” Your fellow Jew? This is a must-see video.

Let’s Bring the final Remption

This video is beyond powerful. If only every Jew internalized this message. From Secular Jew to Ultra-Orthodox and everyone in between, the Jewish people need to realize that we are one family. The second Temple was destroyed because of baseless hatred. Jews need to love each other. They need to remember that they all have the same G-d above, the same forefathers and foremothers, and the same history. This will help bring the Final Redemption. And that is what we have been praying for, hoping for, and waiting for everyday.

Yes, we all have our differences. But can you imagine what it would be like if we all really got along? No one is perfect. We all have things to work on and ways in which we can improve. But instead of focusing on what’s wrong with one another, let’s focus on what’s right.

There are 12 tribes of Israel. G-d did not intend that every tribe should be the exact same.

The Jewish people have enough enemies. Why create more strife within our own nation? If we are supposed to emulate G-d’s ways, then it is incumbent on us to judge others favorably, love our fellow Jew, treat others with mercy and kindness, and do what we can to create peace within our own people. The Final Redemption is right around the corner. Are you helping it come?

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