This Five Second Video says Everything you Need to Know about Gaza

by Leah Rosenberg

How can you learn so much about Gaza in just five seconds? Well, when there is a Nazi flag flying at the border, it pretty much says it all.

Flag with Swastika at the Gaza-Israel Border

How is it possible that the world condemns Israel for anything in this ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza? Not only does Israel try its best to do targeted killings of terrorists and terrorist infrastructure only, but Hamas has made it clear what its goals are. They have confirmed that they target civilians in Israel. And here, they have flown a Nazi flag at the border. If that doesn’t say everything, then what does? Standing with the Nazis means barbarism, evilness, hatred, and any other negative word you can think of. There is no question that Hamas is a terrorist organization. So why does much of the world pretend it’s not?

And any death that happened in Gaza that the world blames Israel for is only the fault of Hamas. They put their own people in the line of fire and do not value human life. It is so obvious.

For those who can’t see it, it is because they are blinded by their antisemitic glasses. They are blinded by such intense hatred for the Jewish people that they are even willing to stand with terrorists against the Jewish state.

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