Is the modern State of Israel indeed the “Start-Up Nation?” Is Israel so dominant a force? Well, Hillel Fuld, a marketing and tech expert is the expert at exposing and marketing the innovative force that Israel has become in the last few decades. The answer is a resounding yes. Israel is all about religiousness and holy sites. But it is also all about the modern-day amazing accomplishments of a myriad of young companies.
Our Crowd
One of the groups that has grown up in order to connect potential investors with the young Israeli innovators is Our Crowd.
In around 5-6 years, they have already offered unprecedented access to startup investing and individual investors that fuel innovations. These groundbreaking innovations change the way people work, travel, shop, heal, and conduct business. They guide investors and bring together venture capitalists and fuel innovations that literally change the world.
Israel is a treasure chest for the potential hi-tech investor. However, in addition, Israel is a great place for real estate investments. Many tourists enjoy all that Israel has to offer. But, the smart tourists bear in mind that Israel actually has so much to offer on an investment level too. This is not the Israel of the 70’s or even the 80’s. Israel may be small in land and weak in resources. But the ingenuity of it’s population opens up so many innovative opportunities that open up so many options for investment.
For those interested in staying up with the latest in Israeli Tech, check out Hillel Fuld’s Youtube Channel.