The untold story about Yasser Arafat that explains everything

by Leah Rosenberg

Is Israel really to blame for the Middle East conflict? Antisemites like to say yes, but here is an untold story about Yasser Arafat that proves them wrong.

The Untold Story That Says it All

Yasser Arafat – an arch terrorist. A terrible antisemite. A vicious leader of the Palestinian Arabs who has more blood on his hands than many other people. There are some in the world who like to blame Israel for the lack of peace in the region. But the facts prove otherwise. History prove otherwise. And this untold story proves otherwise.

The former president of the Palestinian Authority tried to bring four terrorists into Israel in his OWN car! Is that a peaceful gesture? Do people really point at Israel and blame them for lack of peace when the leaders of the Palestinian Arabs themselves want to murder and destroy the Jewish people and the state of Israel?

The Truth Doesn’t Matter

But apparently, the truth doesn’t matter. No one cares about facts. That is what makes this so complicated. For those who seek the truth, they know that Israel is not to blame. They know that Israel is fighting terrorism on a daily basis. But for those who trample on the truth and want Israel destroyed, the facts don’t matter to them. You can share all the information in the world, and they will still side with murderers. They will still side with a group of people who go out and murder innocent men, women, and children.

Is it not a simple decision? Is it not clear who is to blame? As the former head of the Shin Bet said, “Whoever argues about who’s to blame for the failure of the Oslo Accords needs to understand that the PA is 100% to blame, without a shadow of a doubt!”

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