The Truth About MK Ben-Gvir That the Media Refuses to Admit

by Leah Rosenberg

Itamar Ben-Gvir is Israel’s Minister of National Security. He truly just wants to protect Israeli citizens – Jews and Arabs alike.

Ben-Gvir and the National Guard Force

The media spreads rumors constantly. They don’t care what fear it might cause. They don’t care that they lie. As long as the media’s agenda is in line with a rumor and lie, they will spread it far and wide. But people need to know the truth. And when it comes to someone like Itamar Ben-Gvir, people don’t know the truth. They claim Ben-Gvir is a right-wing extremist. What is extreme about wanting to protect his people?

Ben-Gvir, as his adviser Yishai Fleisher said, would like to protect the Arab citizens of Israel as well. He is not only trying to protect the Jewish people. Ben-Gvir wants to protect Israel’s citizens against terror and violence.

The Left won’t tell you Ben-Gvir is caring for the Arab citizens of Israel as well. They won’t tell you that he’s not trying to create a private militia. They want to frame Israel’s Minister of National Security as a threat to Israel and the people of Israel. And that is so, so wrong.

But it is time to stop believing rumors. It is time to start paying attention to the facts on the ground.

Israeli citizens deserve to be protected. As Fleisher mentioned, the riots that took placed in mixed Jewish and Arab cities in Israel in 2021 were horrendous. The Jews were not protected. Is it so bad to ensure that something like that never happens again? Itamar Ben-Gvir deserves applause for what he’s trying to do – not condemnation.

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