The “Palestinian” refugee crisis FINALLY makes sense

by Michael Sax

The ‘palestinian refugee’ issue is one of the most contested topics of all time. But does it live up to the hype or is it all a bunch of baloney? We check out this myth and have the answers here.

Facts about the ‘palestinian refugees’

1. The Arabs told the Arabs in pre-state Israel to leave their homes due to the war that they were starting. Let me get this straight – they are ‘palestinian refugees’ from a war that they started?!??

2. It was a war. That means there are winners and losers. They lost. Yet they want to rewrite history and get their homes back?

Living in the Past

3. When they fled to other countries, they never accepted their new lives. Sure, they got new homes, new jobs, new languages, new cars, and more. But they still considered themselves refugees. They need to face reality. If they got a new home and new car and a new life in a stable country, they are not a refugee! They are a regular person.

4. Apparently, if you consider yourself a ‘palestinian refugee’, then it is also genetic. For other refugees, once they get new lives, then future kids born in the new country are regular citizens just like everyone else. The kids had never even been in the old country. The new country is there home. All this makes sense, unless you are a ‘palestinian refugee.’  In this case, even if you are a palestinian refugee and move to a new country and get a new life and marry and have kids, your kids are still ‘refugees.’ That means that their 5 year old kid, who has never even been in the Middle East, is still considered a ‘palestinian refugee.’


5. There was no palestinian national identity in 1947. There were Arab refugees, but the concept of palestinian nationalism is a modern invention. In fact, in 1947 many people in pre-state Israel, then called ‘Palestine‘, were Jews! There was a Palestinian Jewish newspaper – the Palestine Post. There were many Palestinian Jewish groups also.

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