The One Minute Not PC Video That Says Everything About Radical Islam

by Phil Schneider

Anybody over the age of 35-40 remembers a different world before 2001. Between the end of World War II in 1945 and 1989, the world was split up into two large groups. The Western world was led by the United States and the Soviet Union bloc was led by the Soviet Union. Each side battled to bring more countires into their orbit. 

The Cold War, as it was coined, lasted for more than 40 years. The West, led by Ronald Reagan and the United States, won in such spectacular fashion that America was able to watch, guide, and sheperd the economic destruction of the Soviet Union’s Empire without firing a single weapon in the 80’s. But having learned the costly lessons of two wars to contain communism, in Korea and Vietnam, the United States was extra careful to not get embroiled in another costly battle to keep Communism from spreading. 

The fall of Communism began during the 2nd term of the Reagan Presidency. But most of the dramatic downfall of the Soviet Union occurred in 1989, under the George H. Bush administration. It seemed for a few years that there was only one superpower left in the world, the United States, and the world was headed to a peaceful and prosperous future. Not quite. Rude awakenings were on the horizon.

In 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, threatening to control much of the oil supply to much of the Western world. George H. Bush led a massive 4-5 month buildup of Western troops into Saudi Arabia and prepared to turn back Saddam Hussein’s aggression. In a surprisingly effective war, the Persian Gulf War, Western soldiers destroyed much of the Iraqi war machine, deposed Saddam Hussein, and restored what the Bush Administration called the “New World Order.” The gist of this idea was that international coalitions of countries, led by the United States would keep bad actors like Saddam Hussein from threatening the Western world as necessary, and thereby restore orderliness, freedom and prosperity. Calm became the norm. The future was bright – so it seemed.

All of this went up in smoke on 9/11. The world woke up to a realization that the radical Islamic movement was not prepared to stay in the hills of Afghanistan. They threatened the entire Western world, and there were tens of millions of adherents to this dangerous ideology. The Twin Towers, the White House, and the Pentagon, were all in their gunsights. Nothing would ever be the same. 

This battle not only continues till today. It is the battle of the ages, that will determine whether evil wins or truth wins. Israel is on the frontlines of this battle. Brave Israeli soldiers are literally fighting for the entire world when they go to battle. They think they are protecting just Israel and their families. But in truth, the whole world is indebted to them. Hizbullah, Hamas, Iran, and wherever else radical Islamic aggression is the norm are all the enemies of the West, the enemies of truth, and must all be eradicated. Yes – eradicated to the point of powerlessness. Then, their children can be reeducated. It takes a generation or two for this to happen. But first, they must be disarmed or they will keep killing. 

The term Islamonazis is very accurate. Hillel Fuld says it all in this short masterpiece. Their is hope for a bright future if we accept that we are in a battle of civilizations. The West won the Cold War. The West, led by Israel and the forces of truth in the West, will win this battle too. The only question is how long and costly it will be.       

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